Some days you are not going to make it to your favourite workout but you can have a home workout day instead. Housework can be a great workout. Exaggerate all your movements, go up and down the stairs more often then necessary, squat when lifting items, use both hands and arms when cleaning. Also remember to make sure and get up at least once an hour if you are doing a concentrated task or trying doing it standing! These little things can make a huge impact by even doing them every day, it will become a subconscious task and improve your over all health.
Gardening is Excersise, too!
This is the time of year that the gardener warriors are out in full form. Here are a few tips to avoid injury:
-take a walk or stretch before gardening to loosen joints and tendons
-protect your knees with knee pads or a sponge pad
-alternate your activity so different body parts are stressed equally
-protect your eyes if needed, mask if you are prone to allergies, and hat if it’s sunny
Post Workout Wellness
Be aware that if you are running and you have recently changed your shoes that you may experience pain in or around that knee as your tracking may be off. Massage your legs or soak in a warm tub to alleviate this. If it continues, get an adjustment or check your shoes as this can lead to more extensive problems down the road which are much more time consuming to correct.
Stretch: Goddess Pose
While laying in bed, bring your feet up so the soles are touching. Place your right hand over the lower belly and the left over your mid chest. Take a deep breath through your nose. As you inhale, feel your chest and abdomen expand and become larger. Retain the inhale for the count of five then exhale. Count to five again and repeat. Repeat this 10 times. You will begin your day in a much more balanced way and your stress levels will be much lower.
Health Tip: Soccer
A great family activity for all ages is soccer! Grab a soccer ball and go to the park and have some fun. It teaches co-ordination, gets the heart rate up and everyone can participate. Pack a picnic for afterwards and make it a great outing for the day!