Breathing can be one of the most essential tools for balance that you have. Keeping in touch with your breath can let you know how you are feeling or how you are reacting to your external environment. Staying in touch with your breath will keep you connected to your body and feelings and not just your thoughts. When you first wake up in the morning and good technique is to take a few minutes to focus on your breathing. Feel where you may be tense or holding in your body. Breath and send the breath to open up the area. Breathe deep into your belly to connect with a full breath. Now count to five as you inhale and count to five as you exhale. Do this for five minutes to help you get connected to your body. Do this again if you are tense during the day and also at bedtime. It will help you stay connected to yourself.
Healthy Suppliments
Amino Acids are the building blocks of the body. We get amino acids through food or supplements. Amino acids support fat loss, build muscle, help with retention of muscle mass and enhance exercise performance, supports hair growth, maintains cartilage in joints and supports immunity. Only amino acids are capable of forming and repairing tissues, muscle, hair, skin and organs. Amino acids occur in varying amounts within different foods. Primarily meat, dairy, and seafood offer the best sources because they are protein rich but plants also provide a good source of protein for amino acids. Examples are lentils, soybeans, quinoa, tofu, buckwheat and various vegetables. If we do not have enough HCL in our stomach we will not optimally uptake the full amount of amino acids possible, even if we are eating enough of the proper foods. HCL breaks down the food so the nutrients can be properly absorbed. We can supplement with amino acids but this is best done with support from a nutritionist or doctor.
For more information or to book an appointment for nutrition, give us a call!
“Grain Brain”
Nutrition is one of the biggest parts of keeping our body in tip-top shape.
There is a lot of information emerging about the effect of grains on our ability to keep our senses sharp and to ensure cognitive
excellence. “Grain brain” can slow down our cognitive processes and make us feel sluggish and dull. Minimizing grains can help to keep us sharp and clear.
Keep this in mind for the next time you go grocery shopping. Small changes here and there over time can amount to a huge change in our over all health and be a much easier way to fully change our diets for the better.
Cranial Sacral Therapy: What are the benefits?
Cranial Sacral Therapy helps to relieve the tension found in the bones of the head, spinal column and sacrum. When this tension is released many find that sleep is better and that headaches are relieved and prevented and our sense of well being is enhanced. It helps us connect to our inner rhythm and to feel more balanced and grounded. It also helps us to connect when we are getting stressed and it allows us to stop the cascade.
You can always call us to inquire about more information or to book an appointment. We’re happy to help in any way we can.
Recipe: Thai Rice & Veggies
For a quick delicious meal that is ready quickly and easy to prepare try this:
-1 Package of Happy Planet Thai Coconut Soup
-1 Cup Brown Rice
Chop up one cup of broccoli, 1/2 cup slivered carrots, 1 cup of pea pods chopped, Toasted cashews
Make your rice.
Toast cashews for 10 minutes.
Saute all veggies in olive oil.
Add soup and all above ingredients to rice and stir until ready!
You can serve this over shredded cabbage for a little crunch and flavour. If you would prefer to add shrimp or chicken you could do that as well.
Protein with Liquid Vitamin Mineral
Add protein to a drink with a liquid vitamin mineral added. This will assist the muscles. Throw in glutamine to boost recovery ability. Lots of water to hydrate after your workout will assist in rehydrating quicker!